Thursday, March 27, 2008


The reason that I haven't updated this in so long is complex and, if it were to be explained, would require a detailed agenda and accompanying pie charts. Suffice to say that the biggest wedge of the I-have-no-time-to-blog-because pie is called Employment. Looking for employment, interviewing for employment, and gaining employment.

After two months of searching for a job, and all the ego bashing blows that come along with the process, I was hired as an office manager for a large non-profit. So that I am not one day fired for talking about my job on the internet, I will not name names. Let's just say that it's a very good organization that focuses on community building and providing resources for children and their families. I actually had a relationship with this organization through my work at FareStart, so it's deja vu to now be working on the other side.

So far, the transition from full-time motherhood to full-time work/full-time motherhood has been generally smooth. Sasha started daycare in January so that I could look for work, and so we didn't have to go through that transition at the same time as my starting a new job. I already felt confident that Sasha was happy in her daycare situation when I started working, which was a huge load off my mind.

I really dreaded the whole going back to work thing for a long time, but I feel I really got lucky in finding a great job at a great organization working for really wonderful people. The mission of the organization is already so deep within my being that it feels effortless to support this place. I know that the work I'm doing is important and only makes the community that Sasha will grow up in a better place, so I truly feel that everything I'm doing is for her and for my family. We're financially in a better place, and I'm giving to the community at large. This is why I love working for non-profits. It's made every unlikeable thing about working full time and not spending as much time with Sasha more manageable.

Other than my new job, things keep moving along at the Hilwig household. Sasha continues to be a powerhouse, exploring everything in her world at breakneck speed. She's mastered walking and now runs everywhere as fast as she can. She's climbing the furniture like a monkey, which means we can't let her out of our sight for one moment. Luckily, all of our furniture is pretty low to the ground, so there's not far to fall.

She's learning new words every day it seems. Just yesterday morning, she pointed to her foot and said, "toes!" I took her to the eye doctor (nothing wrong with her eyes, don't worry) and there was a lion sticker on the wall. She pointed at the lion several times during our visit and said clearly, "Lion!" She also now says, "uh-oh" and "owww" which help me recognize when she's either gotten into trouble or hurt herself - two frequent occurrences.

She likes to throw things in the garbage, which is great, and also to take things out of the garbage, which is not so great. Especially when she eats the garbage.

I will try to update this more frequently, but I'm not making any promises. When I have the choice of updating this or cuddling with my family... well, it's not really a contest.

Much love,
