Saturday, April 30, 2011

A new beginning

I had such a fun day with you today. We met my friend Starla, and her son Zander, at Vios for lunch and at first you and Zander ignored each other. Soon, however, you bonded over some serious imaginary play and after lunch we took you over to the "secret" playground where you and Zander played at running away from scary (nonexistent) bees. You bravely talked to Zander about how it felt to have him (accidentally) kick you in the face, and even when he wasn't exactly forthcoming with an apology, you were able to quickly move on and get back to the business of bees. You scrambled up rock walls and kept the bee game going as long as possible.

After the playground, we took a long rambling walk around the neighborhood, admiring the beautiful arts and crafts homes and their flower filled gardens. You and Zander went from running from bees to adopting their skills at pollinating. With slender sticks you zipped from flower to flower, picking up pollen from one and giving it to another. At the end of one block, a friendly cat approached us and Zander took chase, pinning the cat down to the ground so he could pet it. You yelled in dismay at Zander's treatment of the kitty, and admonished him to be gentle. You're such a lover and I look forward to you having a pet of your own.

We discovered a "river" of water flowing next to the sidewalk and soon you and Z were building dams. You both could have easily spent another 20 minutes or so playing in the water, but the day was getting late and we had errands to run. You regretfully said "goodbye" to Zander, and wanted to take him along with us. Starla and I made plans for the four of us to go camping some summer weekend, and I'm excited at the thought of camping out under the stars with you: snuggling in our tent at night, building a bonfire and making s'mores, playing in the river and exploring the forest. You're concerned about the bears (and secretly, so am I), but I think you'll love camping as much as I did as a young girl.

Looking forward to more days like these ahead with you...