Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving, walking, and other delights

Sasha's first Thanksgiving was a big success. I roasted my very first turkey and she ate it with gusto, as seen below. She also enjoyed the glazed carrots, which tempts me to just glaze all vegetables in sugar in hopes she'll eat more of them. She also liked the stuffing and mushroom gravy, but refused potatoes in any shape or flavor. She is just not a potato lover (unless it comes in the shape of a french fry). We had some friends and my sister over and we all stuffed ourselves until we almost threw up. Okay, that might have just been me.
Sasha has also been... walking!! Lots and lots of shaky, but confident, steps are being taken. She's been kind of sort of taking little steps here and there for a couple of weeks, but on Thanksgiving she really went all out and just went for it. I guess she needed her audience. Since then, she's been walking, even when not prompted with applause. Pretty soon, she'll be running. It's hard to really photograph her walking (just looks like she's standing), but here's a picture that shows off her auto mechanical skills:

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Month 10

Sasha passed 10 months yesterday and we celebrated with a shopping trip to Old Navy for some new pajamas for her and some much-needed long sleeved shirts for me. I've decided to commit to updating this at least once a month on her monthly "birthday." I'll try for more posts, but I can at least commit to that and give an update of what's happened over the last month.

Month 9 gave us Sasha's first Halloween. I dressed her up as a monkey which apparently was not to her liking. Every time I put her in the monkey suit, I got icy looks like this one:
My little indignant monkey. Next year maybe she'll be able to have more of a say in what her costume will be.

This month she also started pointing at everything and everyone. We'll give her the name of a familiar object, like "star" and she'll point to the hanging star in her room. Pretty nifty. She's also started waving "hi" and "bye" but this is less consistent and usually in response to someone waving at her.

All of her top four teeth are now coming in. Her left front tooth has popped through and the teeth to the immediate left and right of that one are starting to poke through, as well. She's done really well with the teething and hasn't seemed too bothered by it other than some restless nights here and there.

The big thing that Sasha has started to do in the last few weeks is take her first steps! It started a week or so ago with one or two tiny, shaky steps. Today she took several steps on her own! It was so exciting and made me a bit teary. My little girl is growing up. I'm glad I got to witness these first few steps before she enters daycare this winter. I get sad thinking I'll miss all these fun firsts. My friend, Kyra, thinks they save the big moments for mom and dad, and I hope she's right. I've really enjoyed being able to stay home with her these last several months and I can't believe our days together are almost over.

Before the monitor gets too blurry, I'll leave you with a picture of Sasha and her friend, the alpaca.