Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Stuff

I am the perfect storm of laziness, sleep-deprived, and perfectionista - all of which has prevented me from writing here for THREE months. So, I'll keep it short and add some photos.

These last few months, Sasha has grown so much. Not just physically, but in her speech and mannerisms. The other night we were reading a book, Baby Born, that we have read many times. She pointed to a set of words on one of the pages and recited, word for word, what was written there. I know she has memorized it, and was not actually reading it, but still it amazed me. She retains so much in that brain of hers. And the sentences!

We have been struggling this week to get her to sleep in her bed ("tiny bed") at night and not ours ("big bed"). So, every night as I sit with her and work through the night time thing, she pulls out all the stops to get me to bring her into "big bed." She nearly got me last night when she said, clear as a bell, "Sasha love big bed." I was so delighted that I nearly gave in right there. Instead, I assured her that big bed loves her too, but tiny bed is so cozy and loves Sasha, too. She relented, although ended up in beloved big bed later on last night.

She really gets into mimicking facial expressions and physical movements of people. She has a favorite They Might Be Giants video called, "Robot Parade" and she likes to mimic the hand movements of the guy singing. She'll also try out different expressions while looking in the mirror. Yesterday I was holding her in the bathroom and she was crying about something (probably something I wasn't letting her do) and I saw her watching herself in the mirror. I asked her if she was watching herself cry, and she totally cracked up and then made an exaggerated crying face and then laughed again. She's a funny girl!

Here are some of my favorite photos from the last few months:

1 comment:

jen said...

gawd! she IS cute!