Sunday, July 12, 2009

Been so long

Many days go by when I think, "I have to be writing this down." Sasha has been growing so fast and the words and discoveries just fly out and multiply faster than I can keep up. And then I look at video from Christmas and I'm struck down with how much has changed; how little she seems and I can't wrap my head around it all.

It's not just that she's grown a few more inches or that she speaks in sentences and asks, "Why because?" It's the littlest things - the register of her voice has lowered just ever so slightly so that she sounds more like a girl than my baby girl. Six months ago she clutched a fork in her right hand while shoveling spaghetti into her mouth with her left. The way she used to dance by jumping up and down frenetically and the way she now slows down or speeds up her pace depending on the rhythm, how she sashays back and forth or closes her eyes and sways her head back and forth; the way she'll say, "This song is sad" or "I'm happy!" while she plays air drums to the beat.

There's the standard stuff: we're off the diapers almost completely, a development that seemed to just click into place one day without us looking back. She's now in her own bed (very pink) in her own room and Mommy is getting a little more sleep (or at least I'm sleeping on more than six inches of bed space now).

She says things like, "hynder" (pronounced with a long 'i' sound) when she wants to "hide under" the blankets. She's exploring emotions by labeling people, animals, and music as "happy" or "sad" or "mad" or "scared." She's not so scared of bears anymore, having made friends with all of her stuffed ones, and now her fear is more manufactured then genuine.

She's a sensitive, compassionate soul who takes words to heart and is full of hugs and kisses. Yet, there's a mischievous spark about her and she can stop you with a look. Speaking of looks, she's the Queen of mimicry. Down to vocal tone and facial tics, she can mimic a friend at school, a teacher, Jay and I. She loves to dance and drawing is in competition with reading a book for her favorite past time. Classical is emerging has a favorite genre of music - when we play it, she expresses movements that complement the music she hears and the joy of a light, buoyant piece flashes across her face.

I must capture her more on video as this is where my memory is triggered most. Seeing her move, talk, laugh - all of it changes. Into something just as wonderful, of course, but I do not want to forget how she was then. And now. And now. And now.


michaelsgr8 said...

Every now and then I look at your blog of Sasha in hope of an update. Thanks for this one - it was well written, but, of course, that is no surprise.
The emotion that I feel from reading your blog is sadness. I am not sure where this is coming from, me or you - it is hard to tell.
I, like many parents, tried to write about the development of my children, but I never got far. You have a talent for writing so I hope that you keep trying to make an entry now and then. In the "old days", there was no one to read a paper blog. It is so different today - blending writing with pictures and videos for all to see. Maybe not always such a good thing, but in your case it is.

jen said...

michaelsgr8 said it well. i too was glad to see an update complete with beautiful pictures of your beautiful girl.