Thursday, August 2, 2007

Worst Night EVER

Ok, it probably wasn't the worst night ever. There are some nights in those first few weeks that could definitely beat last night's out. It was a big bowl of BAD, however.

She refused to take an afternoon nap yesterday, so by 6pm she was Miss Crankypants 2007 and sleep just had to be done. I put her down around 6:15pm, and then split for my Capitol Hill Mamas' Happy Hour which I look forward to every Wednesday. While I sipped my cosmopolitan and soaked up some adult conversation, Sasha was laying her first assault and Jay was taking the hits. She woke up at 7pm at which point Jay fed her. She then woke up at 7:45pm and he put her back down to sleep. I got home around 8:45pm, at which point she woke up again. And then, around 10:15, just as we were falling asleep. I thought for sure she'd settle into a longer pattern, but she woke up at 1:45am, 3:00am, and finally, 6:41am. She was in her bed until 1:45am and then came in our bed after that.

I'm really not sure what happened. The night before was near perfection and then she switched it up on us to the extreme. Jay thinks she went to bed too early. I wonder if it was skipping the afternoon nap that did it. Or maybe waking up that first time and having me be gone. Maybe swimming on Tuesday really tired her out and relaxed her into a full night's sleep. It's hard to say, but I can say for certain that parenting is a lesson in Zen.

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