Monday, September 3, 2007

Time's A-Wastin'

I really, really suck at this whole blog thing. I seriously have been busy, though. Not just busy raising my busy daughter, but busy with working with some moms to try and get a silent auction going for the Community Birth & Family Center who has hosted the amazing First Weeks/Next Months classes and is now facing some hard times.

This involves a lot of emails, some phone calls, lots of planning, and much time. I haven't had much left over for blogging, although I have managed to find the time to read two books in the last two weeks. It helps that they were kind of fluffy summertime books, but it feels good to be reading at my usual pace again. I just reserved a bunch of books from the library, along with some children's CDs to burn for Sasha.

Sasha is growing at an alarmingly exponential rate. Well, not really growing so much as developing. She recently learned to crawl and now she's pulling herself up to stand on everything. Today she started practicing how to lower herself back down again, which should cut down on the bumps to her head. I've been a little concerned at how often she bangs her noggin, but I don't want to hinder her exploration. Hopefully she gets more graceful as time goes by and doesn't take after me, who was stuck in head injury land until I was about 13 years old. I'm quite sure I've sustained mild brain damage along the way.

Here's Sasha enjoying a nice cup of bath water:

Jay and I are planning/fantasizing about what to do for Christmas this year. We're trying to stay low budget this year, so I'm thinking a trip to Florida may not be in the cards, unfortunately. We're considering Vancouver, BC which would make me very happy. I'm going to start looking into renting an apartment or house in the city. If anyone knows of anything...


karen predmore said...

Hi! I stock your blog off of Blix's blog =) We've met several times at First Weeks...I'm Fiona's mom , Karen. I just read about the silent auction and wanted to let you know that I have pulled off a few silent auctions raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society so if you need any help....or items to auction...please let me know and I'd love to help out anyway that I can. Anything that I can do to support that was such a life saver for us!!!

anny said...

I'm with you on the bad's been so busy lately!