Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happiness is...

Sasha started laughing and clapping when we pulled up to her daycare this morning. She enthusiastically rang the door bell, and when we got inside and she heard all her friends playing, she wrestled out of my arms to run into the toddler room. I guess this means she likes school?

We had a great weekend of sunshine, playing outside, catching up on naps (she doesn't nap so much at school), and visiting with friends. I'll post pictures when we get around to uploading them. There are some great shots of Sasha running around outside and visiting with her friends at Tougo Coffee.

She is very much into running everywhere. No more tentatively walking - this girl is on the move! The only time she takes pause is when the terrain changes, ie., going from pavement to grass. She takes a moment to assess the new terrain and then gingerly crosses over. It's so adorable.

She's also using lots of words now. "Baby" is a big word for her, as are the old stalwarts "baba," "hi," and "bye." It's cool that she can repeat words, though, even if she doesn't bring them up again for a while. She's repeated "milk" (sounds like "mih"), "thank you" (sounds like "darnk ku"), and "cool." Other words she knows and uses: "eye," "head/hat/hair" (they all kind of sound the same and she touches her head for all of them," "cheese" (sounds like "ghee"), and "teeth" (she does the teeth brushing pantomime for this word).

She loves reading books and now will sit with her books and flip the pages by herself, making up her own words for the pictures. Every day, she seems less like a baby and more like a toddler. It's scary wonderful!

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