At times I've pictured Sasha years from now sitting down in her therapist's office.
Therapist: What is blocking you from really accepting your mother into your life?
Sasha: Well, she nicknamed me Boo, for starters. That was fun. Boobie. Booty. Sometimes just plain old Boobs Hilwig.
Therapist: Kids can be cruel. Anything else?
Sasha: I guess what really stings the most...? I'm sorry, can I have a Kleenex? Anyway, what hurts the most is she didn't start my blog until I was six months old. (Sasha breaks into sobs)
Therapist: It's all very clear now. I'm so sorry.
True, not every six month old has his or her own blog, lovingly crafted by one or both parents. I know it's enough that I manage to feed, bathe, entertain, and simply love my baby. Still, I've felt a bit of a slacker in the Recording of Sasha's Life department. I hope I can avoid further procrastination and make up for that now.
The beginning:
Sasha Evelyn Hilwig. Born on 11:05pm on January 14th, 2007. You were a healthy 7lb 11oz and 20 inches. When we opened the curtains in our hospital room the morning after you were born, the air was misty with ice crystals. It was a whole new beautiful brilliant world.
A few months passed.
And now.
Yes, here we are. I cannot contain all my love for you in my wholly inadequate heart. There it goes, leaking across the keyboard, drifting up towards the corners of the room and then, caught by the breeze of the ceiling fan whirring above, it's pushed gently out the open window into the dark night.
I'll be funny later, I promise. I'm going to go upstairs now and curl up around you and go to sleep. Good night, my Boo. Sweet Sasha.
Nice blog, Kari -- I love it!
i love your blog kari. it literally brought tears to my eyes. i myself am just recently coming out of the fog of ppd and would love to hear your experiences of the first few weeks.
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