Monday, July 23, 2007

Our trip out to visit the Hilwig clan in southern Colorado was a success. We even managed to not get kicked off of either of our flights, as seems to be the standard procedure these days for families traveling with small children. But, don't get me started on that subject! I can't recommend Southwest Airlines enough. Not only do you get to pick your seat, which is KEY if you are traveling with a baby, but the flight attendants were incredibly accommodating and sweet. One of the flight attendants even walked Sasha up and down the aisle on our way back to Seattle in order to give me a little break.

Not only did we have great service from our airline, but we were lucky enough to sit next to very kind souls on the way there and back. Sure, Sasha is irresistible, but she had her moments in which a less patient person might have given me a "look," but I couldn't have asked for better seat mates. Christie was our travel companion on the way down to Albuquerque. She held Sasha while I went to the bathroom, and even walked Sasha around the plane for a few minutes.

On our way home, we sat next to a sweet young woman named Brita, who buckled my seat belt for me and held Sasha during one of her meltdowns. She let Sasha play with her gorgeous silver jewelry and didn't bat an eye when Sasha nearly ripped her earring out of her ear. Wherever you are, Brita and Christie, thank you!

Visiting the Hilwigs was great - Jack and Sasha got along famously as you can see from this photo:
Jack is adorable and very gentlemanly towards his younger cousin. Well, besides grabbing her rear end on occasion. Who can resist?

Sasha slept better than she has since birth, which I'm attributing to the high altitude and diminished oxygen to the brain. It's been advised that we not recreate this environment in our home in order to get her to sleep through the night.

Sasha loved meeting her uncle Stuart and seeing Nonna Connie again. We all took a drive up into the mountain pass, about an hour and a half away from Alamosa. We reached an altitude of 12,000 feet above sea level. For some perspective, that's nearly the summit of Mt. Rainier. Needless to say, I was a bit light headed, but the view was worth it.

Here we are, wearing our funny hats:

Sasha also went swimming in a pool for the first time. We went with Connie to Splashland, which isn't as exciting as the name suggests, but has a very inviting, warm water pool that's perfect for babies. Sasha took to the water like a natural, kicking her legs and arms. It's inspired me to take her to the local pool this year.

All in all, a fun time was had and we already miss Stuart, Stephanie, Jack, Xandra, and Connie deeply. We especially miss Stuart's fantastic dinners that he prepares each night. Stephanie, you are a lucky woman!!

And now, I must make like a geek and skedaddle. My new Harry Potter book is calling to me from upstairs and this is the only time I have to read it. Also, Jay has been unsuccessful in getting Sasha to sleep, so I'm going upstairs to rescue him.

Good night.

1 comment:

librarymeow said...

She's getting so big and so CUTE! I have to second the comment about Southwest Airlines. I've flown with them several times now with Ruby and everyone is so nice and helpful! Yay!